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00001 /* Needs beeos.h */
00002 /*@-exportfcn@*/ /*@-protoparamname@*/
00003 /*@external@*/  
00004     ushort bstrlen(char *pString) __attribute__ ((pure))
00005     /*@uses pString, *pString@*/
00006     /*@modifies nothing@*/;
00007 /*@external@*/  
00008     ushort bstrncpy(char /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ *pDst, char /*@null@*/*pSrc, ushort maxn)
00009     /*@uses *pSrc@*/
00010     /*@modifies *pDst@*/;
00011 /*@external@*/
00012     void bmemset(char /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ *pDst, char pattern, ushort len)
00013     /*@modifies *pDst@*/;
00014 /*@external@*/
00015     void bmemcpy(char /*@null@*/ *pDst, char /*@null@*/ *pSrc, ushort len)
00016     /*@uses pDst, pSrc, *pSrc@*/
00017     /*@modifies *pDst@*/;
00018 /*@=exportfcn@*/ /*@=protoparamname@*/

Generated on Sat Apr 10 17:08:02 2004 for BeeOS by doxygen 1.3.6-20040222