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beeos.h File Reference

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#define NULL   ((void *) 0)
#define BIT0   0x01
#define BIT1   0x02
#define BIT2   0x04
#define BIT3   0x08
#define BIT4   0x10
#define BIT5   0x20
#define BIT6   0x40
#define BIT7   0x80
#define TOUSHORT(var)   (*(ushort *)&var)
#define ASM_MOVW_MM(src, dst)
#define ASM_NOP   __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");
#define ASM_SWI   __asm__ __volatile__ ("swi");
#define ASM_SEI   __asm__ __volatile__ ("sei");
#define ASM_CLI   __asm__ __volatile__ ("cli");
#define ASM_PULW(varword)
#define ASM_PULB(varbyte)
#define ASM_PSHW(varword)
#define ASM_PSHB(varbyte)


typedef short unsigned int ushort
typedef short signed int sshort
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef signed char schar
typedef signed long int slong
typedef unsigned long int ulong


enum  bool { false, true }


register char *_sp __asm__ ("sp")
unsigned short _d1 __asm__ ("_.d1")
unsigned short _d2 __asm__ ("_.d2")
unsigned short _d3 __asm__ ("_.d3")
unsigned short _d4 __asm__ ("_.d4")
unsigned short _d5 __asm__ ("_.d5")
unsigned short _d6 __asm__ ("_.d6")
unsigned short _d7 __asm__ ("_.d7")
unsigned short _d8 __asm__ ("_.d8")
unsigned short _tmp __asm__ ("_.tmp")
unsigned short _z __asm__ ("_.z")
unsigned short _xy __asm__ ("_.xy")

Define Documentation

#define ASM_CLI   __asm__ __volatile__ ("cli");

Definition at line 52 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by _start(), bsleep(), and isr_exec().

#define ASM_MOVW_MM src,
dst   ) 


__asm__ (\
    "movw %0, %1"\
    :                           /* Output */\
    : "m" (src), "m" (dst)      /* Input */\

Definition at line 44 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by btnscan_chk(), and sci0_init().

#define ASM_NOP   __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");

Definition at line 49 of file beeos.h.

#define ASM_PSHB varbyte   ) 


__asm__ (\
    "ldab %0\   \n\tpshb"\
    :                           /* Output */\
    : "m" (varbyte)             /* Input */\
    : "%b"                      /* Clobbered */\

Definition at line 74 of file beeos.h.

#define ASM_PSHW varword   ) 


__asm__ (\
    "ldd %0\    \n\tpshd"\
    :                           /* Output */\
    : "m" (varword)             /* Input */\
    : "%d"                      /* Clobbered */\

Definition at line 67 of file beeos.h.

#define ASM_PULB varbyte   ) 


__asm__ (\
    "pulb\  \n\tstab %0"\
    : "=m" (varbyte)                /* Output */\
    :                               /* Input */\
    : "%b"                          /* Clobbered */\

Definition at line 60 of file beeos.h.

#define ASM_PULW varword   ) 


__asm__ (\
    "puld\  \n\tstd %0"\
    : "=m" (varword)                /* Output */\
    :                               /* Input */\
    : "%d"                          /* Clobbered */\

Definition at line 53 of file beeos.h.

#define ASM_SEI   __asm__ __volatile__ ("sei");

Definition at line 51 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by _start(), bsleep(), and isr_exec().

#define ASM_SWI   __asm__ __volatile__ ("swi");

Definition at line 50 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by _start(), and bsleep().

#define BIT0   0x01

Definition at line 34 of file beeos.h.

#define BIT1   0x02

Definition at line 35 of file beeos.h.

#define BIT2   0x04

Definition at line 36 of file beeos.h.

#define BIT3   0x08

Definition at line 37 of file beeos.h.

#define BIT4   0x10

Definition at line 38 of file beeos.h.

#define BIT5   0x20

Definition at line 39 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by lbdrv_chg().

#define BIT6   0x40

Definition at line 40 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by btnscan_chk().

#define BIT7   0x80

Definition at line 41 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by ect_init(), isr_exec_stuff(), and misc().


Definition at line 32 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by create_task().

#define NULL   ((void *) 0)

Definition at line 2 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by addtask(), bmalloc(), bremalloc(), bubblesort(), bvsnprintf(), create_task(), find_imperative_task(), find_nextrun_lte(), find_priority_lte(), find_urgent_task(), insert_task_prior(), insert_task_time(), task_select(), unlink_prior(), and unlink_time().

#define TOUSHORT var   )     (*(ushort *)&var)

Definition at line 43 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by bsleep(), create_task(), isr_exec(), sci0_init(), and task_select().

Typedef Documentation

typedef signed char schar

Definition at line 8 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by addtask(), create_task(), and find_priority_lte().

typedef signed long int slong

Definition at line 9 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by now_cmp().

typedef short signed int sshort

Definition at line 6 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by bfree(), bmalloc(), bmallocinit(), bremalloc(), btnscan_chk(), bvsnprintf(), and int2stringpadded().

typedef unsigned char uchar

Definition at line 7 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by bfree(), bitncheck(), bitnclr(), bitnset(), bmalloc(), bremalloc(), btnscan_chk(), bvsnprintf(), create_task(), exec_idle(), int2stringpadded(), and putchar().

typedef unsigned long int ulong

Definition at line 10 of file beeos.h.

typedef short unsigned int ushort

Definition at line 5 of file beeos.h.

Referenced by _start(), addtask(), bmalloc(), bmallocinit(), bmemcpy(), bmemset(), bprintf(), bremalloc(), bsleep(), bsnprintf(), bstrlen(), bstrncpy(), bubblesort(), bvsnprintf(), create_task(), find_nextrun_lte(), find_urgent_task(), int2stringpadded(), now_cmp(), sci0_init(), and task_select().

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum bool

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 11 of file beeos.h.

00011 {false, true} /*@alt bool@*/ bool;

Function Documentation

unsigned short _xy __asm__ "_.xy"   ) 

unsigned short _z __asm__ "_.z"   ) 

unsigned short _tmp __asm__ "_.tmp"   ) 

unsigned short _d8 __asm__ "_.d8"   ) 

unsigned short _d7 __asm__ "_.d7"   ) 

unsigned short _d6 __asm__ "_.d6"   ) 

unsigned short _d5 __asm__ "_.d5"   ) 

unsigned short _d4 __asm__ "_.d4"   ) 

unsigned short _d3 __asm__ "_.d3"   ) 

unsigned short _d2 __asm__ "_.d2"   ) 

unsigned short _d1 __asm__ "_.d1"   ) 

register char* _sp __asm__ "sp"   ) 

Referenced by lbdrv_chg(), and sci_tx().

Generated on Sat Apr 10 17:08:04 2004 for BeeOS by doxygen 1.3.6-20040222